Welcome back! Here we are on Day 4 (Tuesday) of the latest Alpine SoCal Rally :
It looks like the official count of Alpine Coaches in attendance is 13 according to our Wagon Master. Unfortunately, the RV Resort couldn’t fit us all in on the same street, but most of us are on the back row here at Cotton Lane RV Resort (←site map link).
Our Rally Host(s) Bob & Connie Bowers along with Co-Host(s) Jim & Stephanie Archer took a break today from the (now) standard breakfast routine of toasted bagels and hard-boiled eggs. This morning’s fare consisted of breakfast burritos! We had our choice of bacon or sausage… yumm!

After breakfast, everyone went about their day… some went to another baseball game, while others took off to enjoy some of the many other local attractions. Us? Well, Stilla and I worked on replacing some of the shingles for a lady that owns a park model here in the RV Resort. I mentioned in my last post that we committed to helping her out and we went to Home Depot™ and got a bundle of shingles, roofing nails, and a tube of roofing caulk.
I spent the morning fitting in some new shingles to replace the ones that were missing or broken from age and wind. Stilla supervised and made sure I didn’t fall off the ladder or roof. The nice lady (Maggie) will reimburse us for the materials and give us a little extra for our time and effort. We’re glad to help out.
After replacing the missing shingles, I went around the roof and glued down lots of loose shingles. I ran out of caulking and there are still a large number of loose shingles on the edge of the roof where the wind damage is the worst. I think I’ll go back and get another tube or two of roof caulking to finish the job so Maggie doesn’t have to do anything more to her roof for (hopefully) quite a while.
After finishing up (for now) the shingles… Noel Peck and I took a nice motorcycle ride to Wickenburg (←link).

In Wickenburg we stopped for liquid refreshments at the local Elks Lodge #2160. Check out their website which details the historic lodge bar which was originally taken from a saloon in Silverton, CO, before 1850.
After an adult beverage at the Elks Lodge, we decided to check out another local Wickenburg establishment for a quick lunch before we headed back to the Cotton Lane RV Resort
I forgot to reset the odometer before we left, but I think we put on around 180 miles for the day. It was a good day. Any day you can spend on the motorcycle is a good day 🙂 Here we are (below) taking a quick break.
When we got back to the RV park in Goodyear, I caught a ride with fellow Alpiner Frank over to Rudy’s™ “Country Store” and BBQ for our scheduled evening meal where we met up with Stilla again. She had spent the day with our daughter Jennifer and grandson Kaan while I was out riding with Noel.
We had an awesome buffet-style meal in our own private room. We decided to forego the membership meeting and just concentrated on enjoying our meal and conversation with our fellow Alpine SoCal group members 🙂
Check back tomorrow for a full recap of our Alpine SoCal “Spring Training” Rally Day 5…