Happy Birthday to my lovely wife Stilla! And a Happy New Year to all!
It’s now our 28th day in Germany and it still hasn’t snowed. It did rain a little in the morning and it got cold enough for Opa to fire up the kitchen wood stove.
Stilla was up early and getting all things ready for the steady stream of well-wishers that will be by to congratulate her today. German tradition dictates that family and friends stop by for a handshake, hug, coffee or bier, and cake on someone’s birthday. 🙂
Stilla had some fine looking desserts set out. I think Annerose helped out with this one.
All day long, family members and friends came and went… most just came though 🙂 What a good day for Stilla! Luv U babe!

For a while, it was standing room only in the hallway for some 🙂
Stilla’s brother Ludwig showed off his (new to him) Jaguar. I got a test ride while we picked up our son William from the next village over where he was hanging out with the younger crowd taking part in pre-new years eve activities. Nice ride 🙂

By 7PM or so, we finally cleared the house and headed over to the Gasthaus in Meckenhausen. Most of the family (and friends) decided to bring in the New Year at the local Gasthaus Bei ‘Staffi’ or “Stafros” that I wrote about in THIS post.
The evening meal started off with some Greek-style appetizers. Various cream cheese-like spreads on bread, breaded goat cheese, a filled (with something) biscuit and a meatball. It almost looks like a dessert, but trust me it wasn’t. Yumm.
For the main course, the guests formed a line through the kitchen to choose from; Gyros, Schweinehaxe, Kalamari Rings, Tzatziki, Reis, Pommes, etc.,
Man, I have to go on a a diet after this trip 🙂
For my American readers: As in all German restaurants/gasthauses, the waiters and waitresses keep track of everyone’s drinks by writing the amounts on your beer card. So don’t lose your beer card! – and that’s my German tip for the day 🙂
After dinner aperitifs; Ouzo. I was the designated driver for the evening so I didn’t get to partake.
Some of the younger guests started comparing and trading some of their fireworks before the big finale.
There was plenty of practice fireworks going off outside in the street throughout the evening.
And finally, the clock creeped closer and closer to midnight…
The fireworks were all lined up in the street:
The crowd got larger and larger as folks came out from the gasthaus and nearby homes…
And a loud and colorful Happy New Year !!
Even way down the street, a second fireworks show was going on…
And a third show was going on up the street…
The aftermath… at least things got swept up quickly.
Unfortunately, we had one casualty in the evening. And it wasn’t even one of the kids. Someone, who shall remain anonymous, didn’t think a firecracker was lit when it was…. and well, you know how that ends.
He’ll be alright, but sustained injuries to his hand and face. It’s a shame that anyone got hurt, but I guess its inevitable with so many fireworks and so many people. We wish him a speedy recovery.
It was probably 45 minutes worth of fireworks show in the streets. Then most gathered again in the gasthaus for a nightcap.
The Gulaschsuppe was right on time after all the fireworks were over.
After a fun-filled evening at the gasthaus, some of us went over to Stefan & Anneroses’ house to check on the younger crowd that had taken over the garage. they even put an E-Z-Up tent in front of the garage door to keep the warmth inside. Good idea.
The kids were doing fine… but I needed to get to bed, this designated driver stuff is hard 🙂
Annerose’s chalkboard again:
We probably made it safely back home by 2 or 3 AM… who can remember?
Ich wünsche Ihnen, liebe Leserinnen und Leser, einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und ein glückliches, gesundes und erfolgreiches Jahr 2016!
Bis bald…
In other news: We just heard from my Mom that little ‘Coach’ may have eaten something that didn’t agree with him back at the “dirt farm”. Had to take him in to the vet… will know more tomorrow. Hope he’s all right 🙁