Well, we made it! Here we are at our premier spot in the desert, just North of Quartzsite, AZ.
We got here just in time on Sunday to partake in the Margherita Mixer Hour and then the catered Mexican dinner from Taco Mio. Good times! But, first let me bring you up to speed on our trip here.
As mentioned in my last post, we got the Harley downloaded from the truck and uploaded the ATV at my brother’s “dirt farm” in Casa Grande.
After making sure everything was properly stowed again after our one night stay at the “dirt farm”, we headed out for the ~3 hour road trip to meet up with the Alpine Coach group at the rally that was already in full swing since the 14th of January. We got here mid-afternoon and had just enough time to set up “camp” before we went into the giant tent that our group had rented.
It was great catching up with all the people from past rallies. Many wondered where we had been. The camp co-host, Ann Fleming, even provided Stilla with extra tickets for Margherita’s since we won the “award” for being last 🙂
Here’s a few pics from the inside of our huge dinner tent. I took more pics, but unfortunately many were blurry, just a few came out alright:
On Monday, Stilla and I, both took pictures around our boondocking site throughout the day:

Also, on Monday – I had some work done on the coach, but I’ll save that for my next post… the sun has been out for a while now, and I have to get on with the day. So much to see and do…
I will post again tomorrow to bring you up to speed on activities since Monday… until then 🙂