Friday was another wash & wax day since I was so rudely interrupted by the exploding expandable hose that I talked about in my previous post. I decided to get another pocket hose from WalMart on Friday after doing some research on-line. It seems that no matter which version of expandable hose you choose – there are many negative reviews on each. The pocket hose is cheaper than the x-hose and this time I saved the receipt. Anyway, I finally got the whole coach washed… it’ll take awhile for the waxing though – one section at a time is the best approach 🙂
On Saturday, we decided to go see the folks in the camping group we belong to – the Rolling Springs Chapter (FCRV). So we jumped into the Silverado and drove down to the KOA in Colorado City where the group is having their weekend campout. We “crashed” the party and got caught-up with folks… especially my Dad and Stepmom. This KOA is about 65 miles South of Colorado Springs. We stayed here with the group once last year. Nice campground, but of course at KOA prices…
When we arrived around noon-time, most folks were out enjoying the local sites so we hung out with Biff & Linda Anderson outside their Monaco Coach (we still had our folding chairs in the back of the Silverado) until my Dad and Stepmom Elaine got back. It was great catching up with them… Biff & Linda were especially helpful to us before we started our trip up to the Pacific NorthWest back a couple/few months ago… they provided us invaluable tips on routes and best places to stay because they had been before. Thanks Biff & Linda! It was great seeing you again.
Finally, my Dad & Stepmom Elaine arrived back at the CG. It was really good to see them again too! We haven’t seen each other since late July when we convoyed together to Lake Tahoe and spent an awesome week together at the Sugar Pine Point CG with some cousins that live in California.
This is the first opportunity we had to see Dad’s new Jeep! He hasn’t gotten the baseplate installed yet to tow it behind his “FRED”. That’s short for Front Engine Diesel. It is made by Gulfstream and the model is the Crescendo. Elaine drove the Jeep down from COS, following Dad in the Coach. Next time, I’m sure he’ll have it set up to tow.

Nice Jeep Dad!
Of course as soon as a hood goes up, others come by to check it out too 🙂
I got to test drive it. We all piled in and went over to Graneros Gorge which is just minutes South of the CG. Although we didn’t need 4-wheel drive – it was still fun hitting the dirt road to get there. Here we parked near the edge of the gorge.
There are the remnants of a gazebo on the edge. At least that’s what my research determined this was.
View down into the gorge.
And here we are looking down into the gorge. You can see Dad’s new jeep in the background.
I posed for a picture near the edge… Stilla kept telling me to take one step back…
We got back to the CG in time for happy hour with the group.
It wasn’t long after happy hour was over and we all gathered together again inside the community room for our traditional Saturday evening potluck. Tonight’s potluck theme was chili. We had every sort of chili known to man and as usual there was more than enough to go around.
Again, it was fun seeing all the great folks again in the Rolling Springs Chapter of FCRV. C U all next time!
I started this post yesterday morning (Sunday) but just now (Monday) got it posted due to interruptions. We picked up our son William and his girlfriend from the airport in Denver (DIA) on Sunday evening and have been running around all day today doing some sight-seeing and shopping… but I’ll do a separate post on that shortly… I need to post this one first.
Ha! One more step back, now that’s funny! Great post, enjoy
reading the urban escape vehicle blog, it’s one of my favorites!
Amen, Cheryl!!