This is my first post. I’m new to this blogging thing, so please hang on while I learn this blogging platform and update the website in order to keep all my friends and acquaintances up to date on our current location and latest adventure. It can only get better from here, right?
I will try to go back to when we started our “full-time” Motorhome adventure (May 2nd, 2014) and post some text and pics of the places we’ve visited in order to bring this blog up to date. But I’ll save that for later…
Today we are still boondocking aka “moochdocking” near Seattle WA at the home of my old Army buddy (Nathan Sawyer). I’ve known him for many years, both in Germany and Ft Carson, CO. It has been really great seeing him again and catching up on old times.

Thanks again, Nate for allowing us to hang out on your awesome homestead while we take day trips in the pickup truck to see the sights around here. Since it’s the Labor Day Weekend, we are also enjoying the added bonus of not having to fight the holiday traffic and beg for camping spots since we don’t have advanced reservations anywhere.

We’ve been lucky with the weather up to now, but it finally started raining steadily today, so I guess we won’t get any riding time in on the Harley once again.
My Army buddy, (Nate) had prior plans for the Labor Day weekend so we volunteered to watch the house and dog, feed the chickens, etc., while he is away. We’ll just hang around the house(s) today and take care of stuff here while we wait out the rain and Nate’s return on Monday.
Will post again soon.