We traveled about 170 miles from the US Space & Rocket Center to Bowling Green, KY on Friday to arrive at our youngest daughter’s house.
We pulled into Joleen & Dylan’s circular driveway around 5PM after a scenic and uneventful drive. We stopped at another Pilot/Flying J at the Kentucky border to top off the fuel tank with 67 gallons of diesel for $160. It looks like we’re only getting around 7.5 miles to the gallon with all the recent hills we’ve been pulling.
Stilla was very glad to see Joleen who moved here from Colorado Springs to Bowling Green back in February. Joleen got engaged (last Christmas) to her high school sweetheart Dylan after dating for the last 7 years. Dylan got a job offer here that prompted their relocation.
They just purchased a nice house on the outskirts of Bowling Green and are doing extensive renovations. I’m sure we’ll be offering a lot of assistance. The kitchen is currently torn apart and a beautiful new tile floor has been installed, New cabinets and granite countertops are next.
The driveway is rather sloped where we parked to be near the newly installed 50 Amp power outlet. We heard that Dylan had to do some extensive low-crawling underneath the house in order to get it hooked up. Thanks Dylan! Due to the slope of the driveway, we promptly put a couple holes in the asphalt drive with the rear jacks trying to get the whole rear of the Coach raised up. Sorry about that 🙂 We’ll find some larger blocks or boards to put under the jacks and maybe we can get completely level. Surprisingly, we were able to get the satellite dish to connect through the trees next to us.
Unfortunately, our power cord was too short to reach the new 50 Amp outlet so Dylan’s new boss offered to make us an extension cord. Here’s Jim along with friend/co-worker Ed (below) putting a 50 Amp extension cord together. Thanks Jim and Ed!
And so, here we are in beautiful green Bowling Green. We’ll moochdock here for a while visiting and helping out around the new house. We’ve already gotten a couple of quick tours around town and stopped by to check out all the Corvettes during the annual National Corvette & Chevy Invitiational. We also did drive-bys at Western Kentucky University (WKU), Beech Bend Amusement Park, the National Corvette Museum, and adjacent NCM Motorsports Park. Lots of cool sites to visit here…
Dylan’s fatherJeff also arrived by pickup truck on Saturday with another load of their “stuff” and a new puppy from Colorado Springs. Now they’ll have 3 large dogs to take care of. Jeff has to be back at work on Tuesday, so we’ll just do some socializing before we get to work on the house. Stay tuned…