Fun times here at the Colorado Springs Elks Lodge! We started off our Wednesday by going out to lunch with our neighbors Robert and Faye. They have been parked next to us here at the RV park for the last few weeks. They invited us, along with our other RV park neighbor; Barney to the Hu Hot Mongolian Grill. Barney is a long time resident of the Elks Lodge and was even the camp host at one time. Robert and Faye are full-timers that manage and maintain a metal art sculpture business to support their lifestyle on the road.
Good food and good conversation. Thanks for the invite Robert and Faye!

We returned to the Elks Lodge after lunch and were happy to see Jack and Linda Giddens had arrived in their Alpine Coach. They are members of the Alpine Coach Association SoCal group that we belong to. Linda corresponded with us yesterday, so we knew they were coming in. I spoke to the camp host to reserve a couple spots for them that had just opened up the day before.
The Giddens’ are traveling with Linda’s sister and her husband, Hugh. They parked their 5th Wheel in the last open spot.
We were also surprised to see John and Lorraine Foster’s Alpine Coach in the RV park! They are also part of the Alpine SoCal group. We weren’t expecting them. Another rig had apparently just departed so they (luckily) were able to score a spot with hook ups as well. It’s starting to look like a mini-Alpine Coach Rally here at the COS Elks Lodge 🙂
And it just keeps getting better… Ricky and Cathy Broussard, who are also Alpine Coach owners, showed up to visit. They are parked at a nearby RV park and just happened by today. We met Ricky and Cathy at our first Alpine Coach Association Rally in St. George, UT a few years ago when we first joined the Alpine SoCal group.
So we all went into the Elks Lodge bar to enjoy some adult beverages. However, John and Lorraine were still out and about, so we didn’t get to meet up with them until later.

Great people and great fun! We had a good time catching up on each other’s travels. Ricky showed off a moose antler they recently picked up during a shed hunt. There’s probably something inherently wrong with having a moose antler in an Elks Lodge… lucky he wasn’t kicked out 🙂
After “Happy Hour” was over we said our fond farewells and made plans to meet up again later.
On the way out, we met up with Alpine Coach Owners; John and Lorraine Foster who had just gotten back from a quick day trip to Denver.

So we went back into the lodge to enjoy another adult beverage and some more conversation. We got caught up on their fun travels. It sounds like they’re having a great time. Hopefully we’ll be able to see more of John and Lorraine before they depart again on Friday. The others will be around until Sunday.
Any more Alpines out there that want to stop by?
Stay tuned… today (Thursday) I get to attend the retirement ceremony of an old co-worker from the Missile Defense Agency… I’ll report back later…