Not a whole lot going on… it’s been about a week since I last posted. Here’s a quick summary of what we’ve been up to since we parked at the COS Elks Lodge again:
• We’ve visited with our daughters Jennifer and Joleen a couple/few times and showed off all the pictures of our most recent trips with the grandson.
• I washed the Coach… front , back, and drivers side… still need to do the passenger side and roof. Now if I could just get some waxing done in between rain showers.
• I went swimming with grandson Kaan in the Elks Lodge pool in between rain showers. Are you seeing the trend for rain showers here?
• I got my South Dakota plates through our mail forwarding service Americas Mailbox. I wrote about this HERE. I hope to get personalized plates; “URBNSKP” for the Coach when it’s due for renewal next year.

• I helped dad pick up his Coach from Pikes Peak Traveland. He had new slideout awnings put on. Dad is still recovering from surgery on his nose where the doctor’s removed some skin cancer. The surgery turned out to be a little more extensive than expected and he still has to go back this Friday for one last procedure (hopefully).
Pikes Peak Traveland didn’t complete the work the first time we went to pick up his Coach. The technician(s) forgot to put in the additional screws on the awning rail that Dad requested. So they had to keep the Coach an extra couple days to remove one of the awnings again and do the job right.
• We attended taco tuesday at the Elks Lodge with Biff & Linda.

• I attended a Drivers meeting for the Pikes Peak Ascent & Marathon. They even had a free meal from Rudy’s BBQ. I’ve volunteered many times over the last 7 years or so that we’ve been in Colorado Springs to drive a van. I’ll be shuttling the runners back down from the top of Pikes Peak after their run, usually a half-dozen trips or more. Check back in for a recap of that event which is scheduled for this upcoming weekend (14-15 Aug).

If you’re interested in volunteering for this event click HERE. They’re always looking for good drivers and when else can you drive up Pikes Peak (numerous times in a day) for free? It’s a lot of fun.
Stay tuned…