We’re still parked at our daughter Joleen’s house in Bowling Green, KY and it looks like we might be here for a little while to help out with their remodeling projects on their new (to them) house.
As I mentioned in my last post, Dylan’s father drove all the way from Colorado Springs, CO for a quick visit to drop off another load of Dylan & Joleen’s “stuff” along with a new puppy.

Before we got to work on house painting and kitchen remodel projects, we took some time while Jeff was here to visit a couple local attractions. Here we are checking out Aviation Heritage Park…
And we also took a nice walking trail along Lost River Cave…

We’ll have to come back here again later for the Lost River Cave Boat Tour, it sounds pretty fun. But we didn’t have time today.

We also did a drive-by of the local amusement park. Check out the Beech Bend Amusement Park website. We’ll have to come by here again later when we have more time for a day of fun. They also have a huge campground here that we checked out for future reference. It looked really nice, check out the campground website.
We also stopped to watch the go-karts race at the National Corvette Museum (NCM) Motor Sports Park. That looked like fun…
Dylan’s father Jeff only had a couple days here before he had to get back to work in Colorado Springs. On Sunday evening we were invited to Dylan’s boss’s house for some grilled steaks and salmon. Jim and his wife Dana have a beautiful home nearby. Here we are (below) in Jim’s cool ‘man-cave’ enjoying some of his home-brew beer before we had an awesome dinner. Thanks Jim & Dana!

When we weren’t running around town, we were able to get a little bit done on the house. Here’s one of the doors I prepped and painted (below).
And to give you an idea of what’s ahead – here’s a pic (below) of the kitchen ceiling where the old cabinets were mounted. My challenge will be to fix the holes and numerous old paint lines so we don’t have to redo the whole ceiling. The new cabinets don’t go all the way up to the ceiling like the old ones. Keep checking the blog to see if I’m successful.
And also, check back later for my next post… We had another old Army buddy and his wife (Gary & Kitty) stop by for a quick visit (Tuesday thru Wednesday) while they traveled through on their way home to Pennsylvania. Kitty went shopping with the girls while Gary and I toured the National Corvette Museum and took the Plant Tour. Lots of pictures… too many for this post.