No post yesterday (Thursday) because I was at the police station first thing in the morning reporting the theft of our bicycles 🙁
We did a lot of running around all day with the kids to various places in Las Vegas and when we got back to the Coach late Wednesday night we found the bicycle lock on the ground between our Coach and Steven/Cheryl’s Class-C. Some scumbag(s) cut the chain. We could clearly see the tell-tale signs of bolt cutters on the tumbler portion of the lock.

We flagged down one of the security vehicles that occasionally roamed the parking area here at the Main Street Station RV Park and the guard went to get his supervisor. When they returned, they took my statement, a couple pictures, and left again. They returned later with a copy of my report.
I also called the police to report the theft of our bicycles and was told to go online to fill out a report.
As you can see from the screenshot (above), that didn’t go too well… so I called the police again and was told I had to come to the station in the morning to fill out a report. Luckily, the police station was only a few blocks away, but it took a while and then we still had to break camp to check out by noon. We were scheduled to leave and convoy with my Mom, Stepdad, Aunt Kathy, and brother Steve & Cheryl to visit my brother Ronald in Westley, CA. He was waiting on us.
Unfortunately, I only had paperwork on my bike. I couldn’t find a receipt or serial number for Stilla’s. Another lesson learned! I also quickly came to the realization that I didn’t have good photos of the bikes. I had to browse through my photo albums for a long time to find the following ones:

So, if anyone sees these bikes running around Las Vegas or on the road somewhere, please let someone know…
They were both Specialized™ bikes:
Mine was a “Rockhopper 29er”, Black/Grey color. Ser # WSBC602362842F, It had a Topeak rack on the back and a “Criterium” sticker near the neck. This sticker was the logo (it looks like a Colorado license plate) from the bike shop in Colorado Springs where it was purchased in 2011 for ~$1,300. Another identifying feature is the rear-mounted kickstand.
Stilla’s was a female bike, primary white color with purple and green accent stripes. We think it was a “MYKA” model. It had a removable metal mesh basket on the front that we used to transport little Coach in (below):
Anyway… we still had a lot of fun with the kids and my relatives here in LV with the exception of the bicycle thefts and the stingy slot machines 🙂
The kids did the haunted house thing at Circus Circus and we all met up there to say our goodbyes late Wednesday night.

Some of us even toured the lower part of Fremont Street later where the Container Park (←link here) is located. Here’s some more pics of that:
A giant praying mantis mounted on a truck spewed flames at us in front of the Container Park. Pretty cool…
And our time here in Las Vegas has come to an end. William & Jasmin took their rental car and headed back to Colorado Springs (COS). They will stop at Grand Canyon on their way back and will still have a few days in COS before they have to fly back to Germany. Joleen & Dylan rode back with their friend, Dalton. We heard they made it back to COS late Thurday evening.
And oh, by-the-way… we never went back to the Neon Boneyard Museum. We found out that tickets are ~$25 and you have to schedule far in advance for the hour-long tour. Maybe another time…
We convoyed straight through to Westley, CA from Las Vegas yesterday (Thursday) with my Mom, stepdad, Aunt Kathy, Steven & Cheryl. We got here at 9:30 PM. I wrote about our last visit here in this post. I’ll update you on our visit here in my next post. Stay tuned…