The Alpine SoCal Rally continued on Monday with a “Free Day” – there were no scheduled events other than our usual 5 PM “Social Hour”.
Everyone did their own thing today. Our ‘thing’ was to rent a party boat and cruise around Lake Powell with 4 other couples. The couples were: David & Nicole Guhsé, Bill & Patti Figge, Norm & Beth Cannon , Bob & Connie Bowers, and of course, ourselves. Our wagon master for the Rally, David Guhsé arranged the rental.
We left for the Antelope Point Marina (←link here) at 7:15 AM.
Everyone packed lots of food, snacks, and drinks. The Marina staff piled our bags into the shuttle service vehicles that were waiting for us at the entrance.

The staff transported us down to the docks.
Here’s David securing the rental boat for us at the rental office / boat.
We walked down the dock between all the house boats and party boats to find our ride for the day.
And here it is.
We inspected the boat.
We got operating instructions…
and some location tips.
It even comes with a water slide 🙂
We maneuvered away from the marina…
past the other rentals and private house boats…
and out into the lake we go…

Norm made awesome Bloody Mary’s with all the fixin’s to get us started. Mine was a virgin 😉
Looking down from the upper deck.
Our route for the day would take us into Navajo Canyon.
Now take a deep-breath and follow along on our tour with this collection of photos:
Stilla on the upper deck.
Aaah… Life is Good!
We stopped a few times throughout the day to jump in the water. Here’s the first time I went in.
Bill on the water slide. I took my turn next. Bills wife Patti also took the challenge.
Bill and I in the water. It wasn’t cold at all – quite pleasant.
It wasn’t long before we had pre-lunchtime snacks spread out on the kitchen island.
David & Nicole Guhsé.
Rare photo of us.
David and Bill lounging on the upper deck.
Norm takes a turn at the helm.
And Bill takes his turn.
Stilla on the upper deck.
Stilla lounging on one of the bench seats.
We stopped again for another swim. A couple of the girls got into the water.
I swam over to a rock island (below).
Bill joined me on my rock island.
We carefully picked our way back off the island and into the water.
And then we fired up the BBQ and cooked hot dogs. We also reheated some fried chicken and wings.

Bill really dressed up his hot dog… it was worth a picture.
Norm & Beth Cannon.
There was lots of pointing going on all day by pretty much everyone… the scenery was magnificent.
Bill and I jumped in the water one last time and swam over to the cliff edge. Why, you ask? Because we could.
We headed back to the Marina to meet our 4 PM rental return deadline.

Check out this triple-decker with two water slides.
View back up to the Marina office from the docks.
We pulled into the fuel station to top off our diesel tank at exactly 4 PM. Our fun-time was over 🙁
What a great day! After tallying up the fuel costs and splitting the rent for the day, each couple paid ~$130. Not bad for a full day of fun, eh? 🙂
We got back to the campground just in time for “Happy Hour”.
Everyone we talked to had a great “free day”. Some couples went fishing, others went hiking, etc.,
When the sun went down, Orville & Mary Ann demonstrated their Bonfire in a Can. Don’t forget to check out the link.
And so ends another fine Alpine Coach Rally day! Stay tuned tomorrow for a recap of our Colorado River Float Trip 🙂
Oh, how i miss LP!! It’s one of my favorite places to visit and you did it right my friends 👍 with the party boat!! Great pics David, thanks for sharing. Did anyone drink too much and go down the slide head first? Anyone almost sink the houseboat? (Or do i just do those things there?) lol