It’s was a good morning Thursday. First-of-all; it wasn’t raining for a change. And second-of-all; we finally got a good offer on the house! I got the email from my Uncle (the realtor) as we were packing up to meet our group so we could convoy to the FCRV “Spring-Fling” Rally in Brush, CO.
We delayed our departure a little bit while I brought up the contract via email and applied our digital signatures. We got very close to our asking price with no seller concessions. Now, the only thing to worry about is the home inspection scheduled for this morning (Friday). Hopefully it appraises appropriately and the inspector doesn’t find anything expensive for me to fix that I wasn’t aware of. Our expected closing date will be the first week of June contingent on the buyer getting his existing house sold. He’s scheduled to close on his house in Canon City at the end of this month.
We were about 15 minutes late joining our convoy at the designated place (E Woodmen Rd and I-24). After hugs and greetings we all headed east on I-24 to Limon where I left the convoy to fuel up at the Flying J. Since we were going to be dry-camping (no electric or water) at the upcoming rally, I need to have at least 1/4 tank of diesel in the fuel tank or the generator won’t run. This is a built-in safety feature to prevent folks from using all their fuel while boondocking and then not being able to drive to a gas station. It’s no easy task to get a diesel engine started again after it runs out of fuel due to air in the injector lines.
After Limon, we took Hwy 71 north to Brush. We never caught back up with the group on the road, but they were still setting up when we joined them again at the Morgan County Fairgrounds.
So, about 150 miles later… we parked the Urban Escape Vehicle and joined everyone for “Happy Hour”…

After “happy hour”, we all (eight of us) went out for dinner in downtown Brush and made it back in time for Stilla to join the other girls for card bingo at the event building. No, she didn’t win big 😐
Here’s my Dad and stepmom Elaine in front of their Jeep. They towed the Jeep for the first time since he got the baseplate installed and found a good deal on a used Blue Ox tow bar.

So stay tuned… we’ll enjoy activities and the company of the FCRV group this weekend and then probably head back to Colorado Springs on Sunday. Our spot at the Elks Lodge is already paid-up until the 1st of June.
Congratulations on being one step closer to homeless! 🙂 See ya somewhere on the road to nowhere.