Sunday was another great day of get-togethers and reunions. It was also our last day here. First of all, we drove over to visit with fellow Alpine Coach owner’s and friends John & Marlena Schierholtz. They live in the San Jose area.

We navigated our way over to their wonderful home from the San Jose Elks Lodge RV Park where we’re still parked.

We greeted John and Marlena with hugs and spent a short time catching up before we went out for breakfast together.
Check out the cool 21-window bus that John has in the garage. Nice… I think John should set this up to tow behind the Alpine. 🙂
John & Marlena took us to breakfast at Alice’s Restaurant located on a hilltop in scenic Woodside, CA “where you can get anything you want” according to their website. Sometime during the 1960’s the restaurant was bought by Alice Taylor who renamed the restaurant after herself and the now famous Arlo Guthrie song of the same name.
It was a cool day with gusty winds – especially on the hilltop where the restaurant is located, but that didn’t deter a few bikers from getting out.
This popular restaurant was busy and we had to wait for seating.
None of the customers wanted to sit at any of the outside or open porch tables because it was too cold and windy.
Notice the huge redwood tree growing through the deck.
We found seating at the bar and enjoyed a good breakfast with good company.
Afterwards. we visited the gas station / gift shop next to the restaurant.
This time, I found a cool t-shirt to add to my inventory.
We took the scenic route back to their house and stopped at a nice viewpoint along the way.
View of the San Francisco Bay.

We spent some more time visiting with John & Marlena at their house before we said our ‘see-ya-laters’ with hugs and handshakes. It was great getting to spend some time with them during our stay here… we hope to see them again at the next Alpine Coach “Desert Rat Rally” in Quartzsite, AZ in January. Thanks for everything John & Marlena… see you soon!
We made it back to the Elks Lodge with just enough time to pick up our little dog Coach so we could continue over to my cousin Philip and Tina’s house for our previously scheduled 5 PM dinner date. We made it just in time for the arrival of the pizza, pasta, and salad dinner. Here’s cousin Beth (below) performing delivery duty.
We enjoyed the rest of the evening with family at Phil & Tina’s wonderful home.

The girls (Daria, Faith, and Anya) had to finish up some homework before they could play. 🙁

We closed out the evening with some board and dice games…
while the girls talked in the living room.
It was another great family get-together that we were privileged to be a part of! Thanks again to Keith & Beth, Phil & Tina, and Aunt Donna for putting up with us and showing us around 🙂 We hope to get back this way again soon.
We’re finally going to continue our drive south today (Monday) with the goal of getting to Casa Grande, AZ before thanksgiving. Check back to see where we end up next…