More fun times at the Elks Lodge…
On Wednesday evening, after a lazy day of hanging around the Coach, Jim/Sally and Jerry/Marilyn joined us outside the Urban Escape Vehicle.
We grilled up some German Bratwursts using Jerry & Marilyn’s BBQ…
and just enjoyed each other’s company until it was time to call it a night. The brats were excellent by the way.
Thursday was more of the same… we hung out in the evening with Jim & Sally outside their Coach. Jim & Sally are heading out in the morning so this would be our last evening with them. We expect to see them again in Quartzsite, AZ at the Alpine Coach “Desert Rat Rally” in early January. But, you never know, we might cross paths before then
Sally made a nice stew for us. We talked for a while and then said our farewells and ‘see-ya-laters’. Til next time Jim & Sally…
And guess who’s back in town?!? Ricky & Cathy Broussard stopped by! They just rolled back into Colorado Springs and saw us in the Elks Lodge parking lot. I guess you could say; one Alpine rolls-out and another rolls-in. Except, Ricky & Cathy aren’t staying at the lodge, they are going to their usual spot in an RV park just around the corner. But they’ll come over to the lodge as their busy schedule permits and I’m sure I’ll be posting more pictures soon
In other news – My brother Steve and his long-time girlfriend Cheryl just sent us a picture today of their new (to them) Class C. They’re in Casa Grande, AZ where we like to spend some of the winter months. I’ve written many posts from their place which they affectionately call “the dirt farm“. You can do a search on this blog by typing in “dirt farm” to see more, or click on the link. Maybe some family RV trips are in our future?