It’s been a while since my last posting. There’s just not a whole heck of a lot to blog about when your stationary for so long. It’s been a great relief to get the house sold and be done with the mortgage payments and other associated home-related bills/obligations. The checks have all cleared and all the bills have been paid We already paid for our spot here at the Elks Lodge until the end of June.
It now feels like we’re just biding our time until we head to the Campvention Rally in Gillette WY o/a the 4th of July. Now, don’t get me wrong… we haven’t just been sitting around in the Coach all the time – we’ve been doing a lot of things with family and friends and enjoying the many amenities at the Elks Lodge. It’s just that we haven’t been to any major attractions or “blog-worthy” events.
As a matter-of-fact; we’ve enjoyed the pool here at the Elks Lodge several times over the last couple of weeks; and in between rainstorms, I’ve even been on several motorcycle rides around town and through Garden of the Gods park.

And we’ve enjoyed many dinner get-togethers at the Lodge over the last couple weeks…

We even spent a couple days over at my Dad’s house helping to get the ‘bird house’ set up that I wrote about in an earlier blog post HERE.

So, my apologies in advance to you blog-readers that are expecting new locations and picture-heavy blog posts… you’ll just have to wait until we hit the road again in July Meanwhile, we’ll try to come up with some local Colorado Springs stuff… as a matter-of-fact, I recently got an invitation to attend a retirement ceremony later this month for a friend and old co-worker from the Missile Defense Agency, so stay tuned for that…