As I said in my last post – I didn’t have time to include pictures of our last day (Day 5) at the FCRV Campvention due to computer issues. So here they are now:
On Friday morning, I took a short break from packing up and we drove over to the Cam-Plex parking lot to view the FCRV Campvention Parade…
In the evening we attended closing ceremonies inside the Wyoming Center building.
Where they handed out awards for the different events and activities that took place over the past week…
My stepmom Elaine, Linda, and Stilla handed out the left-over door prizes as the announcer called out names. There were a dozen or so prizes left after all the drawings earlier in the week, so they used this opportunity to unload the rest…
And when the ceremonies ended, the band kicked up and the dancing started…
Here’s Stilla and Elaine doing a line dance…
Once Stilla got her fill of line dancing, we (Stilla, Kaan, and I) walked over to the Monster Truck Show that was going on in the rodeo arena between the Cam-Plex and our campground. We watched from the sidelines for a bit, before walking back to the Coach. Here’s some pics of the trucks taken earlier during the daylight… my pics during the nighttime event didn’t come out very well…
And that’s all for the Campvention. It’s was a great event, especially since we had the opportunity to hang out with my Dad & Elaine and our friends in the FCRV Rolling Springs Chapter.
Saturday morning we left the Cam-Plex in Gillette WY around 10 AM to head over to the Heartland RV Park in Hermosa, SD. We convoyed with my Dad & Elaine along Interstate 90 towards Rapid City and then went south on 79. Our total mileage for the day was about 160 miles.
Here we are at the Heartland RV Park in Hermosa, SD. We made reservations before we left Colorado under the direction of my stepmom Elaine who did the planning. They accept the Passport America discount so we ended up paying ~$50 for two nights.
The pull-through sites aren’t long enough for the Coach and truck. We have to park the truck on the grass across from our site.

We met up with Biff & Linda Anderson who had arrived here at the same park earlier in the day to meet with some old friends of theirs. We all drove over to the nearby Lazy R Bar & Grill for some dinner.

Once back at the campground, we piled into my Dad’s Jeep and drove the scenic route along Custer State Park to get to Mount Rushmore National Memorial. We wanted to see the evening lighting ceremony.
We stopped for ice cream at the parks entrance…
We took the 0.6 mile Presidential Trail loop. Very nice. Luckily, we took the clockwise route so most of the steps were down.
We got back to the stadium seats just in time for the 8 PM show and lighting of the monument ceremony. The seats were packed.
After a ranger talk, we watched a well-made documentary on the big screen and then they turned on the lights…
After the lighting ceremony, the ranger called all veterans down to the stage area. I went down to the stage along with my Dad, where the ranger walked along the line of veterans as everyone said their name and branch of service. Afterwards, a selected few helped lower and fold the flag. It was a nice gesture of appreciation to all the veterans.
If you haven’s seen the evening lighting ceremony (Click HERE), you’ve got to add it to your list.
Today (Sunday), we plan on driving over to the Crazy Horse Memorial… check back in with us 🙂 Gotta go now…