Welcome to Day 1 of the most recent Alpine SoCal Rally! Here’s our weekend rally agenda (below) for your viewing pleasure:
As you can see from the agenda (above), today (Friday) is basically the official start day with many of the Alpine Coaches still arriving today. However, as mentioned in my last post, many folks arrived early and will depart later in the week in order to get the most out of their time here.

Since today was basically a “free” day with no planned activities other than “Social Hour” at 5 PM followed by dinner at 6 PM – we decided to get the inflatable raft out on the water and see what the harbor looks like.
We unpacked the SeaEagle (SE9) “Fisherman’s Dream” from the back seat of the Silverado where it spends most of its time, and then rolled it out next to the Coach to assemble and inflate.
Before long, we were out on the water paddling and trolling with the electric motor through the inner harbor and channel that surrounds the RV park.
We took a quick break to explore one of the islands in the channel. Kaan got bored with it pretty quickly. We slowly circled the inner harbor and channel islands and then returned. We didn’t want to get too close to the ocean in our fully-loaded little raft, right?
Jenny and Kaan tried their hand at paddling while we gave the electric trolling motor a break… I think they need more practice 🙂
We passed lots of nice (and expensive looking) yachts and boats.
Kaan liked driving with the electric motor.
After a few hours on the water without incident, we got ready for “Social Hour” and dinner at our designated gathering site that our rally hosts did a superb job setting up and decorating.
There are now 20 Alpine Coaches in attendance and by 5 PM everyone gathered to socialize before dinner.
Before dinner, I performed my presidential duties and said a few words to welcome folks to the rally.
And then dinner was served. A great spread of chile with (or without) fritos, and then hotdogs, salad, and desserts.

Everyone enjoyed the good food and company. Many thanks to our hosts/co-hosts Greg & Marcy Vaughan/Mike & Donna Hambarian!
Mike even provided some personalized services and delivered cookies at the table. Wow… what service!
The crowd of ‘Alpiners’ thinned out soon after the sun went down and the chill in the air sent most folks back to their respective Coaches for the rest of the evening.
Check back tomorrow for more rally fun…