On Sunday, Stilla’s sister Anneliese invited us over to her house for dinner.
Yumm! Lende, Kroketten, reis, and salat. Thanks Ann 🙂

In the late afternoon we all convoyed in two cars to the town of Anwald just south of Nuernberg. Our destination was another Christmas market called Romantischer Weihnachtsmarkt Gut Wolfgangshof (←link).
Follow along with us on another Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market):

After standing in the long entrance line, we paid our 5 Euro per person entry fee.
Notice the Nuernberger Ei in the distance (below). I mentioned this in yesterday’s post when we were in Nürnberg.
The area between buildings was filled with vendor booths and people.

At one point, we found beer-table seating inside one of the large buildings and enjoyed some Gulasch and Pizza.
There were even vendors in one of the larger building’s hay-loft.
The Christmas lights all came on as dusk fell, making this place even more beautiful.
Vendor crafts of all sorts were for sale throughout the grounds in tiny huts.
Hay wagon.
Eerie angels walked by us on stilts, and at one point there was even a real camel giving kiddie rides around the area.
Hope you enjoyed the tour… we did:) The weather is still good here. It’s only been damp and soggy since we arrived, with the sun even peeking out a few times. No snow predicted for Christmas. Looks like it’s not going to be a white Christmas here, but that’s OK with me 🙂