The weather on Saturday was still good, with a high temperature in the mid-to-upper 50’s F° (13-14 C°). ü
Stefan said if the weather was good and if the sun was out; we’d go on for a motorcycle ride. He messaged me around noon that we were a ‘GO’ for a 1PM start time!
Stilla dropped me off at Stefan & Annerose’s house where we met up with a family friend, Erich Sipl. The three of us went on a terrific ~2hr ride through the surrounding countryside… a definite highlight of our, (errr… my), trip to Germany 🙂

Stefan loaned me his Heritage Softail.
Stefan rode his customized Sportster; modified by Stilla’s other brother Ludwig at his Harley® dealership (now Indian®) that I wrote about in an earlier post (HERE).

Erich rode his self-customized Sportster.

What a great ride 🙂 Thanks Stefan! It’s always fun to ride around on the back roads in Germany; there’s such beautiful scenery, and every few miles it seems that you’re going through yet-another historically significant old village or winding along on an old forest road. At one point, we even took a curvy canyon road past some rock formations that made you think of Colorado. Sorry… no pics of the ride 🙁 That would be dangerous, right?
Erich’s small sportster tank required a stop for a refill.

Notice Stefan’s handle bar grip turn-signals in the pics (above) and (below). I still haven’t seen these in the States.

I liked the teeny-tiny taillight/turn-signals on Erich’s Sportster…
they were really bright for how small they are.
Stefan still has a little mascot (Harley-Pig) tied to his handlebars (below).
I still have mine, (the same one), tied above my license plate. As seen in the pic of my bike (below) from a couple months ago.
Anyway… after we finished our ride and warmed up a bit; we closed out the day by going to the Volunteer Fire Department (Freiwillige Feuerwehr) Glühwein party in Meckenhausen. I told you the German’s don’t need much reason to have another party 🙂
There was a huge turnout of town-folk. The area next to the volunteer fire department building was filled with fire-barrels, tables, vendor stands/bars, and even a large fire ring.
Bratwurst sandwiches… Yummm.
Lots of family, friends, and townspeople…
A large fire surrounded with beer table benches kept folks warm while they enjoyed Glühwein, bratwursts, and bier.
A few of these cool fire-barrel tables situated around the grounds also served folks well.
There was such a good turnout of people, that sometimes it was hard to get a refill at the counter.

And that’s all for now folks. Stay tuned for more Schnitzeland adventure…