We spent most of the day (Sunday) at Stefan & Annerose’s house in Meckenhausen which is the next town over from Stilla’s hometown of Sindersdorf. Stefan is the youngest of Stilla’s four brothers.
Annerose & Stefan outdid themselves (as usual) and we had lots of good food to eat. It was almost like Thanksgiving all over again 🙂
Sauerbraten mit Klöß… Yummm!

After dinner we had ice cream…
and some had adult beverages…
After dinner, we all went over to the local Schützenhaus.
We took part in the annual air-rifle competition. Every Christmas, the club holds a competition and gives out prizes according to how well you score. The prizes are given out at a big Christmas party to be held later in the month. Here’s the prices to take part in the competition (below). We (Stilla & I) spent about $25 in our attempt to get a good score.
Here’s the rules (regeln)… Nobody needs a translation do they? 🙂
And here’s the flyer (below) listing the dates and times to take part in the competition along with a sample of some of the major prizes which include money orders worth 200, 125, & 75 Euros along with an Android Tablet PC. Everyone ends up winning something at the party which is scheduled for the 19th of December. It’s always a good time as I recall from years past.
We paid our entry fee(s) and got our targets:
and we hit the indoor range:

William’s almost perfect center shot (below). I taught him everything he knows 🙂
Stefan (below) had an almost perfect shot as well, but it didn’t count because he had too many shots on the target sheet 🙁 He accidentally put 11 shots in a 10 shot sheet which makes it invalid.
Then it was my turn…
Let’s just say we’ll have to wait until the 19th of December to see how well I scored 🙂
We hung out at the Schützenhaus for a bit before heading back to Stefan & Annerose’s house.
Where there was more food to be consumed… Yummm dessert 🙂
Stilla got online using FaceTime® to wish our grandson Kaan a happy birthday. He’s back in Colorado Springs. Happy Birthday Kaan!
Later in the evening, Annerose brought out the ‘brotzeit’.
Then we played a dice game called ‘5000’ which I believe the game called ‘Farkel’ is patterned after.
Stefan had to show off and get a straße, which is rolling a 1 thru 6 on a single turn. I think he did it twice… “what a show-off” (Angeber) 🙂
I won the first of three games… I don’t want to talk about the others 🙂
Then we called it a night and headed back to the house in Sindersdorf. What a great day, thanks Stefan & Annerose! Bis Später.