Our 34th day in Germany (Friday) was actually pretty light on social commitments. Stilla met with a couple folks, but I just hung around the house and got caught up on posts. In the evening, we went over to Stefan & Annerose’s for Pizza.
We pre-ordered pizzas from the local Gasthaus in Meckenhausen called “Stafros”, that I’ve written about in previous posts on Christmas day and New Years day. William picked up the pizzas and delivered them to Stefan & Annerose’s house.
And what good pizza it was 🙂
Annerose updated her chalkboard in the kitchen to reflect our upcoming departure on Monday:
Yah, Yah, thanks… we’ll miss you guys too. See ya again soon Stefan & Annerose 🙂 And thanks for everything!
Saturday (day 35 in Germany) was a big “farewell” party day at our house in Sindersdorf… Wolfgang fired up the Kesseltopf wood-fired stove that I helped him repair on our 18th day in Deutschland (Click HERE for that post). He hooked up the stovepipe in his wood workshop and fired it up in the early morning so the kesselfleish would be done by mid-day.
All the neighbors and friends that were invited to the party started showing up in the early afternoon.

Wolfgang did a great job converting his workshop into a party room. He lined up his work carts and tables in a row, and used temporary wood panels to even the surfaces out. Then he covered them all with a nice bavarian motif table cloth.
It wasn’t long before all the family and neighbors showed up for an absolutely awesome meal of kesselfleisch and sauerkraut.

Wolgang cut the meat into individual portions and placed it on the plates while Stilla dished out the sauerkraut. I delivered the finished plates to the guests at the table.
Yummm… no complaints from anyone. You don’t this kind of good chow everyday, and certainly not in the states 🙂
All the neighbors and family showed up at sometime during the afternoon/evening.
The steam from the boiling water in the kesseltopf made the workshop warm and very humid. I wrote “Hobden Hau ab Party (Hobden ‘Go away’ Party) in the condensation on the door 🙂

Prost! (Cheers!)

There were also others in attendance… sorry if I didn’t get your picture 🙁 Our thanks to Wolfgang for setting things up and the meal! It was a very nice going away party 🙂 It’s been an awesome visit!
We hope to just relax on Sunday and pack our bags… Our flight is at 9:45 AM on Monday.
Stay tuned… I’ll probably post again before we leave… if not, my next post will be from Casa Grande, AZ.