Our 4th day in Germany (Monday) was spent getting prepared for Opa’s (Stilla’s Dad’s) 85th birthday here at the house. Lots of folks are expected to come by the house on Tuesday (Dienstag) to congratulate him in typical German fashion. Stilla tells me that even the town mayor is scheduled to stop by. The ‘big party’ will take place on Saturday, but we had to get extra tables and chairs set up in the old kitchen/dining room for congratulatory guests throughout the day of his actual 85th birthday on Tuesday. Happy Birthday Opa!

I forgot to mention in my last post that when we got back to the house Sunday evening, we were able to use Skype® on William’s television to video-chat with our grandson Kaan back in Colorado Springs and watch him open a couple of his presents. Happy 9th birthday Kaan!
At one point during the day (Monday), I went with Wolfgang to pick up a trailer-load of wood pellets that he uses in the heater/stove to heat the bed & breakfast portion of the house.

Stilla and I went back over to Stefan & Annerose’s house at lunchtime to help with the leftovers from our Sunday dinner. You just can’t get enough of Sauerbraten mit Kloß and Spaetzle 🙂
We also went to the local store to pick up bier and refreshments for Opa’s birthday.
Typical case of German bier:
I know that the Germans have had these cases of bier for years and years, but I thought it was neat how they split into two-halves for easy transportation. I still haven’t seen this type of case in the states yet.
That’s all for now… Bis Später 🙂