Happy 85th Birthday Opa!
Today, (Tuesday) was Stilla’s father’s 85th birthday and in accordance with German tradition – all the family, friends, and neighbors came by the house at some point during the day to congratulate him and pay their respects.
Folks came and went throughout the morning and afternoon.
Even the town mayor came by to wish him well.
Stilla, along with a couple of her sisters, made sure coffee, cakes, drinks, etc., were made available throughout the day. Later in the evening, there was even smoked bratwurst (geräucherte bratwurst) and other brotzeit (←link here) type items for all the guests. Of course, there was also lots of champagne, sekt, wine, bier, and other refreshments on hand for everyone as well.
In the evening as more and more folks got off work; the house filled up quickly.
At one point during the evening, we counted over 25 people in the small kitchen at one time.
It was a good day for Stilla’s father and we all wish him continued good health and many more birthdays!

There will be more birthday celebration this coming Saturday at a local restaurant (gasthaus). All the family is invited. Stay tuned…