I’m a day behind on the rally updates. Better late than never, right?…
Sunday was day 6 of the Alpine Coach Desert Rat Rally. On the agenda for today (below) you can see it’s our last day of scheduled activities. The major events were a swap meet and an evening farewell wine & cheese party.
After the morning devotional, people started bringing in crafts and swap meet items to the rally tent.
Raymond put a few of his items up for sale.
I even tried to get rid of a few extra things as well but didn’t have any takers.
Around mid-day, my mom, stepdad, brother, Cheryl, Stilla and I went into town to check out the “Big Tent” at the RV show one last time.

We found food and snacks around the outer perimeter of the “Big Tent” to tide us over until evening.
We wandered around the RV show area and checked out all the vendors that hadn’t already packed up.
The only thing we found that we needed this time around was a new door mat for $5.
When we got back to the rally site, I saw a bunch of our Alpiner’s working on a generator.
It seems that Mike Hambarian’s belt broke. Luckily, in common Alpine fashion… fellow Alpiner Dean Sandmire had an extra one on hand to save the day.

Soon it was time for farewells. We had cheese and lots of hors d’oeuvres to go with multiple bottles of wine, courtesy of Guaranty RV Sales.
Frank Halasz and Norm Cannon poured copious amounts of wine.
Thanks were given once again to our Rally Hosts Frank & Dessa Halasz and Co-Hosts Norm & Beth Cannon for an awesome rally!
What a great evening. Everyone had a blast.
At one point, most everyone went outside the tent to watch the full moon rise.

In the late evening, it was announced that they needed volunteers to put up the chairs and tables before we left for the night. Unfortunately, most folks took it literally and before you knew it… almost everything was put away and stacked.
And then most everyone just stood around socializing… even without the chairs and tables 🙂 Go figure.
There was only one “smart” group in the bunch that left their table and chairs in place until they were ready to call it an evening:
And of course, it was a very popular table.
I don’t know if we finished off the wine, but a lot of folks tried. Here’s Norm (below) still pouring late into the evening.
It was an awesome farewell party… I don’t think anyone wanted the rally to end 🙂
Check back tomorrow for a recap of our last day and departure. Although, not everyone departed…