Not a whole lot has been going on since my last post on Tuesday… that is, until this Saturday! Guess I better report on the last few days and then get you updated on Opas big party that was held at the local gasthaus on Saturday. Read on:
On Wednesday, I helped William finish putting his IKEA® kitchen cabinets together. Now we just have to get them hung up on the wall. His kitchen is almost all together now with the range and oven all hooked up.
Also on Wednesday, or was it Thursday(?), we took a short drive over to the edge of town to watch the workers put another section on the latest windmill. Lots of these are going up around here in the area:
And, I think it was on Friday that we did a little shopping at a new mall in Neumarkt which is about 20 kilometers away (map below).

I thought this conveyer belt for food was cool enough to take a picture of. Can’t say I’ve seen this before. This was at a sushi place. The different sushi rolls or other dishes would pass by your table, maybe enticing you to eat more… I’ll never know because we…
… shared a traditional german currywurst mit pommes frites at one of the other food establishments. 🙂
Afterwards, we stopped by a local baumarkt (like Home Depot® or Lowe’s®) to get some things that our son William needed at the house.
I just had to snap a picture of this American flag toilet seat 🙂 Only €39.99.
On Friday evening we put the finishing touches on a picture slideshow for Opa’s birthday party and did some pre-testing on audio/video equipment.

Finally, on Saturday – the family all gathered for a full-day and into-the-evening birthday celebration for Stilla’s dad who turned 85 last Tuesday. Stilla’s uncle Rudy, is the owner/operator of a restaurant/hotel on the edge of town called Sinderdorfer Hof (←link) which is where we celebrated:

The Dotzer family had the whole back room reserved for the day; over 50 people were in attendance!

Wolfgang said a few nice words to get things started:
Some of Stilla’s brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.,
Aunts and Uncles, etc.,
The younger generation:
Yummm! Schnitzel and Braten…
Kloß and Knödel…
and lots of liquid refreshments:
After our mid-day meal, then coffee, cakes, etc., we had some musical entertainment:

We kept a slideshow going all day on a TV in the background with all the old pictures of Stilla’s dad with family throughout the years:
Near the end of the evening, we finally got everyone (Stilla’s brothers and sisters) together for a family photo with Opa.

Once again… Happy Birthday Opa! 🙂 🙂 🙂
After everyone went home from the birthday party – Stilla and I weren’t ready to call it a night yet, so we walked over to Herbert’s house. It also happened to be Herbert’s birthday on Saturday and he was celebrating at home with friends and family.
Here’s a picture of Herbert and his wife Maria that I took of his ‘personalized calendar’ that he just got for the new year. Notice his cool RV below their picture:
Good bier from Munich was on tap at Herbert’s 🙂
Also at Herbert’s birthday party were old friends Barni & Silvia! They visited us in Colorado Springs several years ago and we took a whirlwind tour around the Grand Canyon area in our old Class-C RV. It’s always great to see them 🙂
Here’s an old picture (below) that I pulled from the archives.

Thanks for the hospitality Herbert and Maria! And a Happy Birthday to Herbert 🙂
Stay tuned for more fun and adventure from Schnitzeland… “Bis bald!”