We got rained on pretty much all Monday night. And Tuesday morning remained soggy with intermittent showers. Every time it stopped raining, we would start to unload the bicycles and Harley, but the rain would start up again and drive us inside.
It finally began clearing up around mid-afternoon and we were able to get the bikes and the Harley off the truck. But in doing so, I wrenched my back taking the bike carrier off the truck, so I’ll have to take it easy for awhile. Now, at least, we can use the bed of the pickup to go get tables and chairs on Wednesday morning.
Otherwise – we pretty much just hung around the campground and watched some of our (day early) Alpine Rally attendees show up. We had several meet and greet sessions. It’s always fun to catch up with folks we haven’t seen in a while.
I think we have 7 Alpines in the loop now that have arrived so far… the rest will arrive today (Wednesday).
Meet Frank (below) a newcomer to the Alpine SoCal group. We stopped to get acquainted while walking the dog.
These nice folks (below) Nancy and Paul McPhillips, are in the market for a Class A Coach and did a drive-thru of our loop to check out the Alpines. They stopped to ask questions about our Coaches while Stilla and I were talking to Frank. We (Frank and I) filled them in on our opinions… of course you know we’re biased a little bit, but you might be looking at some new members if they can find an Alpine for sale 🙂
Orville & Mary Ann drove over in their Jeep from the Page, AZ Elks Lodge to scout out the sites and say Hi. You may recall them from my post a couple day ago when we were staying at the lodge. They’ll bring their Coach over today too. John & Lorraine Foster joined them for a photo op (below).

John & Lorraine got lots of supervisory assistance while giving their Coach a quick-clean after coming off the road.

Several of the Rally attendees took a walk down to the marina after they got set up. The sun’s out now, the sky is blue…

Once the rain stopped and the sun came out again, we got the flagpole set up and Stilla put out some of her solar lights.
So here we are… ready for Day 1 of the Alpine SoCal Lake Powell Rally 🙂
We’ll get our group site set up today with tables, chairs, etc., and we pick up Pizza for this afternoon’s social hour at 5 PM.
Don’t forget to check back…