We can feel the winter chill in the morning air already. It’s time to move south. We’re not sure exactly where we’ll go next just now, but we need to be in Lake Powell for an Alpine Coach SoCal Rally by 5 October. So, we’ll start heading in that direction on Monday.
The pool is all covered…
the chairs are all stacked…
and most of the tables and sun-umbrellas have been put into storage.
We didn’t even have to pay to stay here for the last 14 days or so, since we helped the camp-host so much with the pool area and with our painting of the lawn furniture that I wrote about in earlier posts. We’ll miss this lodge, but I’m sure we’ll be back next year.
We’ve stayed busy the last several days since my last post:
On Tuesday, I hung out at my high school buddy’s automotive repair shop (Chuck’s Auto) while Stilla visited with the daughters. It never ceases to amaze me how easily he can remember where all the parts go back in, and in what order 🙂

It happened to be a day where Mike had decided to rearrange one of the service bays… so I helped move a few things around.
I wouldn’t mind rearranging this El Camino into my garage… oops, that’s right – I don’t have a garage anymore 🙂
After leaving Mikes’ shop, I saw some construction going on near our old house. There’s a huge pile of dirt and boulders on the hill overlooking the back yard. I stopped to check it out.

It looked like they were just using the hill for a construction staging area for a new building nearby (sign below). Which is a good thing – because it would be a shame if they put a building on the hilltop, it would ruin the privacy that the backyard always had.
I also couldn’t help but notice, the giant cracks in the ground! It looks like the hill is unstable and may break off into a landslide sometime in the future. That’s a little scary. The construction material and the heavy earth-moving equipment on top of the hill probably isn’t helping any…
I’m glad we sold the house when we did… hope the new owner doesn’t have any trouble from this.
Back at the lodge, we enjoyed a final “Taco Tuesday” with our new-found friends Jerry & Marilyn Baumgartner. Biff & Linda joined us as well.
On Friday, Jerry & Marilyn packed up to head back home to Oklahoma. I helped Jerry load his bike into the back of his Ford Ranger pickup that he tows behind his motorhome.
Safe travels Jerry & Marilyn! Hope to see you in Port Aransas, TX next year… or even earlier in Quartzsite, AZ maybe !?!

On Friday evening, we enjoyed a spaghetti dinner at the Elks Lodge with my Dad/Elaine, Biff/Linda, and our grandson Kaan. Kaan often spends the night with us, I guess the summer trip he spent with us didn’t turn him off to staying in the Coach 🙂

In other news – Little Coach got his follow-up shots at PetSmarts’™ Banfield Hospital. I wrote about Banfield in a previous post (Click HERE. He still has the weird cough but otherwise appears to be doing well. We, (Stilla & I), also made our doctor appointments at Evans Army Community Hospital on Ft Carson and got our meds refilled. So we’re ready to roll out of here now. I just have to load up the Harley and bicycles sometime this weekend.
Stay tuned to see where we end up next… I’m thinking maybe Santa Fe, NM. Our friends and fellow Alpine Coach owners, Mike & Donna Kuper, recently blogged about their stay there. Link here: FlyingtheKoop.com. Plus, it’s in the general direction of Lake Powell where we are co-hosting the Alpine Coach rally starting on 7 October.