Once again, it’s been a few days since my last post. After driving on Pikes Peak and attending Margaritaville at the Elks Lodge on Saturday (see last post) we just ended up hanging around the Coach and relaxing on Sunday. It was a rather gloomy day with frequent rain showers; which ruined my original plan to ride the Harley up to Cripple Creek for the 23rd Annual Salute to American Veterans Rally & 28th Annual POW/MIA Recognition Ride.
However, we did get invited to dinner Sunday evening by my Dad & stepmom Elaine. It was their 34th wedding anniversary and also the first time that my dad’s been out of the house since his surgery. We enjoyed a great dinner and evening together at Texas Roadhouse. Happy Anniversary and Thanks for dinner Dad & Elaine!
On Monday, I took my youngest daughter’s car over to my high school buddy’s shop (Chuck’s Auto) for some long-overdue maintenance and repairs.
Her car got a complete check up, along with new shocks, front brakes/rotors, new tie-rod and an alignment.

Here’s my buddy Mike inspecting the rear brakes.
And replacing the front shocks/struts.
Due to delays getting the needed parts, I hung out with my buddy Mike for two days (Monday & Tuesday) and helped out with things at the shop. It turns out that it’s not so easy (or cheap) to get replacement parts for an Infiniti.
After 2 days of working on the daughter’s car, it was time for some relaxation at the Elks Lodge. We joined friends for “Taco Tuesday”.

Friends and fellow FCRV members Biff & Linda.
Friends Daniel & Monika brought along their two-month old granddaughter. They had custody for a few hours and showed her off. What a cutie! They even hung out with us in the Coach for a little while after we finished our tacos.
Friend and fellow FCRV member Bob McCord also joined us. Tuesday night was also Bob’s initiation ceremony here at the lodge.

And that’s all for now folks. Here’s a shot of little Coach on the lookout for rabbits this morning near the pool at the lodge. He knows they hang out under the shed and sometimes he forgets to “go potty” and hunts the rabbits instead… as-if he could ever catch one 🙂
C U later…