We’ve been hunkered down at the Elks Lodge in Colorado Springs hiding from the rain and hail over the last several days. Looks like we came back to Colorado a little too early 😐 Luckily, any hail we got at the Coach was only pea-sized, – no damage so far; ‘knock-on-wood’. There have been reports of damaging hail and some flooding in outlying areas… I hope our luck continues to hold out and springtime gets here soon.

We haven’t even been able to do much at the house due to the crummy weather. Everything I need (or want) to do, requires good weather, i.e., pull dandelions/weeds; spray weed & grass killer on the landscape rocks; spread grass seed on bare spots, etc.,
At least Stilla has had plenty of opportunity to hang out with our daughters and grandson. The grandson even got to sleep-over which is always a treat for him until he gets bored and realizes that we don’ t have an X-Box 360 or Playstation 🙂
News on the home-selling front; We got an offer! However, the potential buyer has to sell his present house which (I’m told) isn’t scheduled to close until mid-June. As a matter-of-fact, we countered his offer but haven’t got a formal response yet… apparently the potential buyer wants to get through an inspection on his present house first. Meanwhile, the potential buyer has scheduled an inspection on our house for this Friday, which (I assume) is a good sign that he’s serious. While waiting; we continue to have showings; four more this past weekend. All we can do is wait and see…
In other news: We plan on joining my Dad and Stepmom this coming weekend for “Spring-Fling” with the Family Campers & RV’ers (FCRV) in Brush, CO. This is supposed to be the “kickoff to summer”… we’ll see if the summer really “kicks off” 🙂 I’ll keep you posted.
Also – a ‘shout-out’ to Daniel Malmquist who stopped by for a quick visit recently. Daniel is a long-time reader of the blog and friend. Stop by anytime Danny…
Stay tuned for more mis-adventure…