Monday we moved over to the Wahweap Campground at the Lake Powell Resort & Marina (lower left corner of map below) to get ready for the upcoming Alpine Coach Rally which starts on Wednesday.
We didn’t bother to hook up the Silverado behind the Coach when we left the Page, AZ Elks Lodge around noon because it was only a 10 mile trip to the Wahweap CG. It turns out this was a mistake…
Stilla followed me in the truck as I pulled up to the park checkpoint at the South Entrance. I showed the park ranger my disabled veterans access pass and told her the truck behind me was with me. She said the truck had to be hooked up to the Coach or I would have to pay $20 for the extra vehicle. Of course, I tried to reason with her – but in typical bureaucratic fashion she just said; “That’s the rule.”
I asked; “OK, so if I hook it up, then you’ll let me through with my access pass?” “Yeah,” she said, ” as long as you can do it in a couple minutes.” So, I put the Coach in neutral and pulled the parking brake, ran back to Stilla in the truck and motioned her forward so I could hook up the tow bar. I didn’t bother hooking up the umbilical cord for the lights or the safety hooks and jumped back into the Coach to get a wave-thru from the ‘kindly’ park power ranger. Really?!?
I towed the Silverado the final few miles to our campsite in Loop C.
All 26 sites of Loop C have been reserved for our Alpine Coach Rally, and as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the host(s) aka “Wagon-masters” David & Nicole Guhsé are parked at the entrance to the loop in site 26 and we get to occupy site 24. We’ll leave the site between our two rigs (site 25) empty for our get-togethers where we’ll set up tables, chairs and some EZ-Up tents.

Here’s David & Nicole’s Coach in site 26 as viewed from our site. Nice view, eh?
View down the Loop C road in the opposite direction.
We met up with David & Nicole Guhsé (our hosts for the upcoming Rally) and went down to the CG registration office together in their nice new Ford F150 pickup. David had arranged to get some “goody” bags from the resort management so we could stuff them with literature, maps, etc., to pass out to the rally attendees when they arrive on Wednesday.

We ended up having to go over to the other side of the resort to the administration offices near the lodge in order to track down the resort manager. She was out to lunch, so we had drinks and a snack at the finely-appointed lounge / restaurant in the lodge while we waited for her to return. This is the view from the restaurant windows overlooking the lake.
The lodge pool.
The resort manager finally showed up and gave us some really nice “goody” bags with Lake Powell and Glenn Canyon pictures printed on the sides. Now all we have to do is find some “goodies” to put in them. So we drove over to the Dam Visitor Center and got some brochures and information on the Dam Tours to add to the “goody” bags.
Here’s the dam as seen from the visitor center. We’ll come back here on Sunday for a tour.
And the dam bridge (no pun intended).
Then we drove into Page to the Museum / Visitor Center for more brochures, literature, maps, etc.,
We returned to the campground and organized the stuff we picked up and stuffed the “goody” bags. Then we spent a quiet evening in the Coach listening to the occasional raindrops hit the roof.
Today (Tuesday) we’ll pick up tables and chairs and get things set up in our get-together spot. Hopefully we’ve seen the last of the rain or a while. It’s been raining intermittently for the last two days. The weather-guessers say its supposed to be nice from here on out 🙂
Here’s our agenda for the Rally:
Only one more day to go before the fun begins… check back tomorrow to see what our Tuesday brings. 🙂
Love that campground! We attended the SoCal rally there a few years back and made several new friends–thanks for the memories!