Once again, it’s been a while since my last post. We’re still just hanging out at the Elks Lodge in COS enjoying time with friends and family. It’s not easy to come up with interesting things to write about when we’re parked in one place for so long.
Yesterday (30 August) was also the one year anniversary of this blog! We had already been full-timing in the Coach for a few months before I started writing the blog. Click (HERE) to see the 1st post. It took a while for me to get familiar with all the nuances of the blogging software once I decided to get started. It’s been a great year, except for the part where we had to come back to kick the renters out of the house, fix it up, and then sell it. We’re looking forward to what this next year brings…
Anyway – in recent news: We continue to enjoy the many amenities here at the Lodge which includes the ever-popular “Taco Tuesday”. Here we are again with my Dad and stepmom Elaine. Dad has recovered quite well from his recent surgery.

We also continue to help out around the pool on occasion when the camp-host/club manager needs an extra hand.
And we even took on the task of re-painting some of the patio furniture:
It feels good to give back and pretty soon we’ll have all the old, faded green chairs and tables re-painted a nice semi-gloss black.
On Saturday evening we were invited to join some friends for a party at their beautiful house in Monument. We’ve known Rick & Claudia for a number of years. Rick is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major (CSM).
After an awesome BBQ dinner, the guys hung out with some cigars and watched the Broncos win a pre-season game.
The girls hung out around the desserts and talked German with each other.
Later on Rick fired up the fire pit and we pretended we were camping 🙂
Thanks for the good times Rick and Claudia! Maybe we can return the hospitality sometime.
In other news: I also finished up the entertainment center/electronics cabinet project I mentioned in a previous post. Here are the ‘before’ pics:

And here’s the ‘after’ pic:

It didn’t turn out too bad… I’d have to cut a new front panel to make it any better. The cabinet was designed around the old components which have been changed out over the years, so the cut-outs aren’t quite the right size. The old surround-sound system (at the top) was much larger than the new one, and the satellite dish controller (lower left) is much, much smaller now.
This is the passenger side. I didn’t do anything to this side except add a USB fan on the side of the DirecTV DVR to help keep it cool.

And that’s all for now. Check back later to see what we’re up to…
Congrats on Year ONE! I Hope Year TWO will be just as entertaining.
You’re going to Florida for this next year…Right?
Florida is in the plan… just not sure when.