On Tuesday, David, Frank, and I went to Page, AZ to pick up tables and chairs for our Alpine SoCal Rally at Lake Powell. The rest of the Alpines are due to arrive today and we have pizza & salad scheduled for 5:30.
Here’s Frank and David strapping down the large round tables on the back of David’s truck.
Hope we make it without losing any…
We fitted all the chairs in the back of our Silverado. I was sure not to lose anything
Frank and I followed David (at a safe distance) to keep an eye on the load.
We went through the South Entrance to get back to the Wahweap Campground.
And we made it! Not a single table was hurt during transportation or in the production of this blog post
All set up… let the Rally begin!
We put out the “Alpine SoCal” sign on the main road to our loop to make sure no one gets lost.
We have all 26 sites in Loop C reserved for the Rally.
We also put out the “Alpine Southern California” sign in front of our get-together site to mark our territory.
Coaches arrived throughout the day:
Everyone gathered at our get-together site for Happy Hour and by 5:30 David Guhsé arrived on time with the pizza and salad. Here’s a collection of pictures I took of our Alpine Coach Association SoCal group enjoying our first evening together:
Everything went great and a good time was had by all. We even had lots of leftover pizza, salad, and garlic bread. We’ll try to save the leftover salad and freeze the garlic bread to have with our Spaghetti dinner scheduled for Friday.
We did learn a couple lessons; 1) Everyone should probably bring a light jacket or sweater because when the sun goes down it gets a little cool, and 2) If we stay until the sun goes down, (which is highly likely), we should all bring along a flashlight next time.
Check back tomorrow to see how our tour of Antelope Slot Canyon goes.