On Monday we decided to head over to the Quechan Casino Resort. It is located on the south side of Interstate 8, about 8 miles west of Yuma and 2 miles north of Los Algodones, Mexico. This is the place we reconnoitered last Saturday when we visited Los Algodones for the first time.

We settled on a boondocking spot just south of the main RV parking lot at the casino. The spots here are more open than at the casino and we backed up to a dry river bed, aka “wash”, that is about 20 feet below the back of the Coach.
I wonder if I can take the ATV down this embankment into the wash? Hmmm?
Before we headed over here in the early afternoon, I spent a little time getting some more waxing done on the Coach, which as I mentioned before, is a multi-day chore. It’s best to tackle a little at a time until I get it done… and then when I’m finally finished… it’s probably time to start again, right?
We said our goodbyes to our friends from the Alpine Coach group. They are going to stay at the Cocopah Casino for a while longer. And then we followed their advice, and found the Union 76 service station that allowed us to dump and take on water.
When we arrived here and picked out a spot, we had just backed in and started to put down the pads to keep the jacks from sinking into the sand, when the neighbor came over and introduced himself and his wife. They invited us to come over for “Happy Hour” – they (and other’s) were grilling up some shrimp and had made some jalapeño poppers stuffed with smoked salmon to share.
It’s amazing the number of nice people you meet out here RVing 🙂 After we extended the jacks, put the slides out, and staked down the patio mat, we pulled our chairs over and enjoyed an hour or two with our new “neighbors”.
After “Happy Hour” we fell back into our usual routine – Stilla had made a stew earlier, so we had dinner and then watched TV. And also, as usual when boondocking, we ran the generator for an hour or so to top off the batteries for the night.
Stay tuned… I wonder what we’ll do tomorrow?
BTW – Have I ever mentioned that Monday is my new “favorite” day of the week now? Since I retired – when I wake up on a Monday morning and realize I don’t have to go in to work – I feel good. Life is good 🙂