On Saturday, we joined most of the 100+ FCRV attendees here at the Morgan County Fairgrounds for a flag-raising ceremony. The flags arrived in a parade of old John Deere tractors.
After the flag-raising ceremony and accompanying musical tribute(s); we were able to peruse some of the classic agricultural-engineering-vehicles; aka “tractors”.
Checking out tractors was almost as fun as a classic car show
Then we joined the smaller group for our morning 2-mile walk again:
As we rounded the park on our walk-about, we came upon a rather large group of local boy scouts:
They were shooting up their Estes Rockets…
Several of our walking group stayed to watch some of the rocket-launching activities. We saw one go into a tree; and one got hung on a telephone cable; and another one or two, plummeted down like missiles when their parachutes didn’t open. It brought back memories of childhood… ahhh, to be young again.
Later in the day, around noon-time, we took part in the raffle and vendor sale activities in the event building. They served hot-dogs, brats, and ice-cream. We also joined many others in wandering around the grounds on a scavenger hunt. We had to find hidden flags with a flamingo on them to mark our scorecards… when complete, we turned them in for a chance to win prizes.
Then it was time for another “happy-hour”:
Just before dinnertime, we watched another storm front move into the area.
Luckily, the heavy rain passed us by and we were able to stay somewhat dry.
After another fine dinner at the events building we gathered again for announcements and door prizes. I won one of the 50/50 drawings from earlier, Yoo Hoo!… $65 dollars!
Our friend Linda, (below) won a $25 gift certificate from the previous days’ downtown scavenger hunt. Unfortunately, the certificate is only good at local establishments… and guess what? They’re all closed on Sunday and the certificate expires in a few months. Sorry Linda.
And then Stilla won the drawing for the Flamingo scavenger hunt! A $30 dollar Visa gift card. Yoo Hoo again!
Today (Sunday), we head on back to Colorado Springs. It’s been a great time with family (Dad & Stepmom Elaine), and our other friends in the FCRV group.
In other news from the home-selling front: We got the results of the home inspection that was conducted on Friday by the buyer. I was pleasantly surprised, but we have a few things to work out with the buyer. More on that in my next posting… stay tuned…