On Sunday morning, we saw a familiar face pass by the front of our Coach. It was Wilma Egg! We know Wilma and her husband Vic from several of the Alpine Coach Rallies that we’ve attended over the last few years. They’ve been full-timing in their Coach for ~6 years now.
Vic and Wilma had just pulled into the Elks Lodge 309 parking lot and Wilma walked by our Coach in search of the camp-host when Stilla and I both recognized her… we jumped out of the motorhome to say Hi.
Since the camp-host didn’t seem to be around at the moment, I gave Vic my recommendation for the best ‘overflow’ spot to park in for the night. All the hook-up sites were currently full.
A good looking Coach, eh? Of course, I’m biased since it’s the same year and color scheme as ours 🙂
We talked briefly and then we let them alone to finish setting-up with a promise to get-together later.

Today (Sunday) was also the last day of the season for the pool to be open here at Elks Lodge 309. So we basically spent the whole day trying to get the most out of it one last time. Our oldest daughter Jennifer came by with our grandson Kaan. And then our youngest daughter Joleen came by with her boyfriend Dylan to spend some fun time in the pool. Here’s some last pics of the year here at the Elks Lodge pool:
Later on in the day, Jerry & Marilyn also came by to enjoy the pool with us. Here’s Marilyn (below), sorry – no new picture of Jerry today 🙁
One of the Bronco fans (John) escaped from the bar area and was seen hanging around the pool too…
Vic & Wilma joined us later in the evening, where we enjoyed the nice weather and some more good conversation by the pool.

Vic told me about the volunteer work he’ll be doing with the Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial here in Colorado Springs. He retired from the New Jersey Fire Department and was involved in the response to the cowardly terrorist attacks of 9/11. According to one of the Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial websites (link here); “The mission of the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial, which is located in the shadow of Pike’s Peak, is to honor the sacrifice made by IAFF members who serve as professional fire fighters and emergency medical personnel who have given their lives in the line of duty. ”
This nice lady played with little Coach while we talked.
Vic told me that another Alpine had pulled in and parked behind them (see pic below). Unfortunately, we didn’t get to meet the owners because they left again early Monday. Vic told me who it was, and we probably know them from past Alpine Coach Rallies, but I didn’t recognize the name(s) he gave me. I’m sure if we saw their faces, we’d recognize them… I do remember seeing the Coach before because it has a bunch of wind-deflectors mounted on the sides at the rear. I think they’re called air tabs (link here), and their generator slide-out appeared to be painted with a bed-liner material.

On Monday morning, I got the opportunity to talk a little more with Vic before they pulled out. He told me more about the volunteer work he’ll be doing for the Firefighters Memorial. They’re headed over to Cheyenne Mountain State Park (on the south-side of Colorado Springs) in order to be closer to the activities he’ll be involved with. I think we’ll try to find the time this coming Saturday to attend some of those activities. For more info on those Firefighter Memorial activities, go to this website (Click here).
C U later Vic & Wilma. Hope to see you again soon!
After Vic & WIlma headed out on Monday morning, I helped another Elks Lodge member (John) put away umbrellas and stack lawn chairs in the pool area. Later on, Jerry joined in and we covered both pools for the season 🙁
We closed out our Monday evening with new friends Jerry & Marilyn outside our Coach. Jerry grilled up some awesome steaks that we washed down with some adult beverages.

And another fine day comes to a close! Monday continues to be my new favorite day of the week (since retirement), because when I wake up , I realize I don’t have to go in to work 🙂
Check back soon…