We left the Wyoming Gardens RV Park in Thermopolis by 11:30 (Tuesday) and headed south on WY789/US20 towards Shoshoni. Our initial goal for the day was the town of Riverton. We knew that the local Elks Lodge there had RV parking, but once we were in town, it was still pretty early in the day so we decided to keep going.
We followed our GPS directions for the best route back to Colorado Springs. We need to get our grandson back in time for the start of the school year. The Rand McNally RVND 7720 led us through Sweetwater Station, Jeffrey City, Muddy Gap, and then Rawlins. When we didn’t find any decent campgrounds or boondocking spots, we continued east on I-80 after Rawlins. We consulted the Escapees Day’s End Directory which turned us on to the Cavalryman Restaurant in Laramie, where we are now. Over 275 miles driven today… whew!
The drive through Wind River Canyon between Thermopolis and Shoshoni was beautiful and when we passed Boysen State Park and the Boysen Reservoir, we made a note to come back and check this place out when we have more time in the future.
We stopped briefly at the top of one of the steep grades to take in the wide open view.
After 275+ miles for the day, we rolled into the parking lot of the Cavalryman Restaurant around 5 PM. The Days End Directory said this is a free overnight stop as long as you talk to the management. And of course, since we’re here, we might as well eat, right?
The Cavalryman Steakhouse is located on the parade grounds of historic Fort Sanders, established in July of 1866. Originally named Fort Buford, for Major General John Buford, the post was designated Fort Sanders on September 5, 1866, in honor of Brigadier General William P. Sanders. The building was built in 1925 to serve as the clubhouse for the local country club. Just to the east, remnants of the nine-hole golf course can still be found. (ref. this website)
We parked along the edge of the big parking lot and went inside the restaurant to make sure we were OK to park here overnight. The hostess introduced us to someone who we think was the manager, although he never introduced himself as such. He looked out the window to see where we were parked, and said, “sure, no problem”. We thanked him, gave him one of our cards, and promised to come back in for dinner.
We hit the automatic leveling system to drop the jacks and put out the slides. After running up the satellite dish and taking little “Coach” for a walk, we went on into the restaurant for a pretty nice dinner, albeit a somewhat expensive one… but that’s alright since we don’t have to pay for an overnight stay
Here’s a couple pics I snapped while we waited for our meal… it started filling up with more customers as we ate our fine meal.
We’re still not sure if we’ll drive straight-on through to Colorado Springs. The earliest we really need to be back is the 10th of August. That gives our grandson a little time before school starts around the 13th, and I made a commitment to help out for the Pikes Peak Marathon on the 15th. I’ve volunteered in years’ past to drive one of the vans to bring the runners back down after their ascent and have been getting multiple requests to help out once again. I’m supposed to attend a drivers meeting (and a free meal) on the 11th. So, check back to see what we decide and where we end up…
In other news: Little dog “Coach” had another small ‘episode’ today. He was acting antsy and kept pacing back and forth at the doorstep while we were driving. So we pulled over to let him out at a pullout. He threw up a little (more spittle and foam than anything else) and then he flopped over on his side with his little legs flapping in the air… we think he has trouble getting air when he throws up. He’s always had a weird cough, kind of like a cat spitting up a hairball. He recovered quickly and seems alright again, but we’re going to have to take him to the vet pretty soon.