We had another busy, busy, day running around checking out the sites here in Las Vegas with our son William and his girlfriend Jasmin. Later on we met up with our daughter Joleen and her boyfriend Dylan, among others 🙂 Follow along…
After Stilla made omelettes in the Coach for us, we plugged Rick’s Restorations (←link here) into the iPhone to get directions and drove William’s rental car to their new location. Yup, that’s right – Rick’s Restorations recently (6-wks ago) moved to a new location. It’s a good thing I used the iPhone and didn’t try to navigate there from memory 😐 Check out my blog post from our visit last year, (HERE).

We took the $5 tour and got to see Rick himself running around the shop several times. I like this TV series/reality show – one of my favorites. This new location is certainly larger than the old one, but the tour seemed shorter for some reason. Still cool to see tho 🙂

After our tour of Rick’s Restorations – we drove down Las Vegas Ave in North LV to the site of the Pawn Stars (←link here) TV show. I also wrote about our visit to this place last year (HERE).
We took the free tour which really just consists of a quick walk through the Pawn Shop, elbow-to-elbow with all the other tourists. I personally don’t watch this TV series/reality show very often – if at all. But it was fun to see.

And then we drove over to Count’s Kustoms – the site of the TV series/reality show ‘Counting Cars‘. We also visited this place last year, click (HERE) to see that posting.

This tour was also free, but we didn’t get to see any of the TV personalities or the shop itself, -just the cars on display along with the gift shop. I got the T-shirt last year. I also like this show and will watch it and/or record it when it’s on.

Here are some of the cars that you might remember from the TV series if you’re familiar with it…
After our tour of Count’s Kustoms, we met up with our daughter Joleen and her boyfriend Dylan at the Luxor Hotel Casino. Joleen & Dylan flew in from Colorado Springs on the 22nd and are staying at the New York-New York Hotel Casino next door.

We bought tickets for a couple of the exhibits on site at the Luxor. Click HERE to learn more about Bodies and the Titanic exhibit.
We couldn’t take any pictures inside either of these exhibits. They ask everyone to turn their cell phones off at the entrance. I’m guessing they don’t want people posting pics and videos to youTube, otherwise no one would pay for the tours. Both were pretty cool exhibits… I’d recommend them. The prices were a little steep tho 🙁
We went back to the Coach in North LV to get refreshed and check on little dog ‘Coach’ who was enjoying some alone-time in the air-conditioning. Then later on, we drove back down the strip (whew-what a long drive) to New York-New York and valet parked the car. Here we met up again with Joleen & Dylan. Their friend, Dalton also joined us… he drove straight through from Colorado Springs the day before.

We spent the evening together casino-hopping and walking (way-to-much) from casino to casino.

We caught the water show in front of the Bellagio.

We had a chance encounter with Dylan’s parents (and their friends) while walking down the strip. They flew in on a different flight than Dylan & Joleen and are here to catch some shows, etc., Dylan’s grandparents also live in LV, we might get a chance to visit with them later.

After a few more casino stops, one tram ride, and much walking… we ended up at the Linq Hotel & Casino.

A fun day… albeit a long one 🙂 After we recover from all the walking, we might go check out Hoover Dam today (Saturday). Check back for a full update 🙂