Most of Thursday and Friday were spent just hiding from the rain. Enough already!… 28 more days until summer which can’t get here soon enough, in my opinion.
Still no word on the home appraisal. However, the buyer scheduled a final walk-thru for the 27th. So apparently, things are still rolling along on track for a June 1st closing 🙂
On Friday evening, we enjoyed dinner at the Elks Lodge with my Dad, stepmom Elaine, and friends Biff and Linda. It was pork chop night. Can’t beat the prices and the location, especially since we’re parked in the lot 🙂
We even had some live entertainment before and after dinner. Here’s friend Linda getting some personalized attention:
My Dad and Elaine even got up for a dance:
Saturday, we drove over to Pikes Peak Harley-Davidson (PPHD) for their Memorial Day activities. The dealership is only a few blocks away from the Elks Lodge. There was food and live-music on tap; and in addition to the many motorcycles; there was a car show scheduled.
I’m sure the on-again/off-again rain showers scared most of the car show entries away, there were only a handful of classics/hot rods on hand.
We had planned on riding the Harley to the Saturday PPHD Memorial Day event, but the threat of rain (once again) forced us to drive. Besides, I put the Harley and our bicycles in the garage at the house a couple weeks ago due to all the rain we’ve been having. I purchased my Harley from this dealership back in December 1995.

We met up with my Dad and stepmom in the parking lot and hit one of the outside vendors for lunch. We took our lunch inside the dealership since it was starting to rain again 🙁
My Dad and stepmom were interested in seeing the motorcycle museum that is located on the upper-level of the dealership. There’s a really great collection here. We’ve seen it before, but it was the first time for them:
The Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame was established in 1992.
My Dad used to have Yamaha just like this one (below)… I remember riding it around as a teenager. We wondered if this could be it, but the one my Dad had was a 250, this was a 360.
One of my favorites; a WLA:
Most of the old Indians are locked away behind glass.
Several of the motorcycles here are either on loan or donated from a Mr. Ross Van Etten. My stepmom knows him from her bowling league.
Another one of my favorites:
I remember when these “dirt” bikes came out… It was back in 1999 or so, when they had these for sale at the PX in Germany. I was very tempted back then… wish I had bought one.

If you’re ever in the area… be sure to stop by and check out this awesome collection of vintage motorcycles!
My Dad and stepmom Elaine went on to run errands after touring the museum. We hung out at the dealership for a while, shopped, and listened to the live music. Then we called it a day, and hid out from the rain again.
We plan on spending Sunday at the Elks Lodge Memorial Day Picnic. The pool is supposed to open today and they’ll have brats and burgers on the grill. Hope the rain holds off for a pleasant change. Stay tuned…