We hit the road from the Conestoga Quarters RV Park by 1130 AM. Our destination was the Indian Tribal Village of La Push, WA. The owner of the Conestoga RV Park gave us this tip. He says it’s one of his favorite get-away locations from his own RV Park.
We went West on Hwy 101 and stopped for pictures at Lake Crescent.
This information placard (you gotta love these things for blogs) gave us a description of what we were looking at.
Another view of Lake Crescent.
Another informational placard at one of the many turnouts we stopped at.
It didn’t take us long to make the 70 mile trip. After Hwy 101 finally turned South, it was no time at all before we were turning on Hwy 110 to head straight West to the Pacific Coast! I think the coast is only about 15 miles from Hwy 101. We usually like to put more miles between destinations, but this came highly recommended, and it was a little off the beaten path. So our expectations were high.
We checked in at the office.
The Quileute Nation Indian Reservation is sure proud of their ocean-side resort as evidenced by their exorbitant prices. They got us for $45 🙁 Their advertisement flyer that we picked up at the office claims that this is Washington’s most pristine coastal destination. We pulled into site #1 and disconnected the Silverado.

This is our view out the front window. We have a row of RV’s between us and the beach.
Stilla made sandwiches. We took them along with us to go check out the beach. We wanted to make the most out of the rest of the day so we can continue on tomorrow… especially at $ 45 a night!
We saw a large bank of clouds on the horizon as we headed West. By the time we got to the coast, it was completely overcast and it stayed that way for the rest of the day. With the exception of no sun, the beach was awesome.
I was fascinated with the huge dead trees that had washed up on the shore. This one looked like a beached seal on his side with his flippers out in front.
Here’s another humongous tree.
Some guys on their personal watercraft entertained us for a while.
After checking out the beach, we wandered back through the office where we overheard a discussion about a “hole-in-the-wall” that is near our location and is only viewable at low tide. So we got the specifics and jumped in the Silverado to make the ~10 mile drive to Rialto Beach. On the informational placard (below) you can see at the bottom where it says “you are here” and then “Hole-in-the-Wall” just North of there.
Once on Rialto Beach, we had to hike 1 1/2 miles to see the “Hole in the Wall”. Pretty cool.
Here’s a closer view.
And one with Stilla and Coach.
This was one of the views along the way.
We say lots of water-eroded rocks and tidal pools.
We spotted these starfish. Once we started looking for them, we started seeing them everywhere.
And finally, for your viewing pleasure, here are some pics of anemones, mussels, and other seaweed type stuff…
That’s all for now… stay tuned for more adventures 🙂