Day 5 of our Alpine SoCal Rally at Lake Powell consisted of a tour of the Glen Canyon Dam.
The tour of the Dam was not an organized “pay-in-advance” tour like the other activities during this rally. Anyone who wanted to go, simply went over to the Visitor Center at their convenience during the day and paid the $5 entrance fee. Although, most people found out that the earlier they went – the better chance they had of getting on a tour.
I left a little after 8 AM on the Harley and arrived by 8:15. This was still too late to get on the first tour of the day, so I had to hang-around inside the Visitor Center and wait for the 9:30 tour. Some of the other Alpiners at our Rally weren’t able to get on that tour, so they made plans to do it later, or on another day. Stilla decided not to go on the tour at all and stayed back at the Coach with our little dog “Coach”. She was afraid the elevator or small passageways would be too claustrophobic for her.
Here’s a picture of the Carl Hayden Visitor Center which is also the Glen Canyon Dam Tour entrance.
The Glen Canyon Bridge:
Inside the Visitor Center:
The lobby had an awesome terrain model of the Lake Powell area:
I watched one of films that was running in the auditorium until they announced the 9:30 tour.
Everyone had to go through airport-style screening and then we got on the elevator to take us to the top of the dam.
Once we got on the top of the dam, our tour-guide showed us one of the original concrete buckets used during construction.
Follow along on the rest of the tour:
Looking down at the spillway. Notice the tiny blue rafts in the picture below, we plan on taking one of those for a raft trip on Tuesday.
Going down inside the dam:
View of the Visitor Center from the bottom of the dam.
Back on top of the dam, heading back to the Visitor Center.
I saw this flotation ring cabinet on top of the dam… Good thing we didn’t have to use this, eh?
Little lizard running around on top of the dam.
I brought Stilla back later for a tour of the Visitor Center and then we rode around town on the Harley for a little while. Lots of fun,
Back at the campground, there was a gathering for Jim Archer’s birthday… ice cream and cake, yummy!
Happy Birthday Jim! Jim is in the center of the pic below, and on the left in the pic above.

Later on, we all gathered again at our get-together site for “Social Hour” which went long… I think we socialized for several hours…
Alpine ladies arrive together for “Social Hour”…
Another great day with the Alpine SoCal group… check back tomorrow to see what we get into 🙂