On Monday morning we said goodbye to the new friends that we met at the Saint George, UT Elks Lodge (Don & Fannie France). I mentioned them in a previous post HERE. They were also here with us at the Main Street Station RV Park, but unfortunately we didn’t find time to get with them again due to the kids arriving and all our other activities. Maybe we’ll see them sometime down the road in the future. Safe travels Don & Fannie!

We just hung out at the Coach most of the day and waited for the gang to arrive from Casa Grande. My Mom, Stepdad Jim, Steven & Cheryl left the “dirt farm” at 6 AM and stopped in Phoenix (Sun City Grand) to pick up my mom’s sister, Kathy. They finally got here in the late afternoon and parked next to us 🙂

We all went over to Circus Circus to get some food and meet up with all the kids, who were expected to be there. You may remember from my last post that our son William and his girlfriend Jasmin took a room at Treasure Island with our daughter Joleen and her boyfriend Dylan. The kids showed up and everyone got to see them for a short while before they headed over to the Stratosphere. We finished a good meal at the Circus Circus restaurant, Vince Neil’s Eat•Drink•Party and spent a little time checking out the slots before we headed back to the RV Park.

Once back at the RV Park, Steve, Cheryl, and Aunt Kathy turned in early while Stilla, I, Mom, and Jim walked over to the Fremont Street Experience which is only a couple blocks from the park. We left a little more change in the slots and had a late-night snack before turning in ourselves.
Check back tomorrow to see what we get into next…